Charlie McLeod Logo

Charlie McLeod Logo

Charlie McLeod is a brand new company offering a range of Zippys which have been designed to wear indoors, or if your brave enough outdoors. We were assigned the task of creating a brand identity...

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Dedicated To Your Hosting

Dedicated To Your Hosting

Today we're please to announce the addition of a new hosting package - our dedicated option. Before today, all sites we hosted on behalf of our clients were located on a shared host. This means the...

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Wham Bam Thank You Mam

Wham Bam Thank You Mam

We don't often spend over £2,000 on new software for our office, but when we do, we appreciate a freebie or two. Step in Jigsaw24, our software supplier, who obviously knew our love of freebies,...

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The Lone Developer

The Lone Developer

If you happen to be strolling past a newsagent at any time in the next month or so, why not take a moment out of your busy day to find a copy of the April edition of .net magazine. If you do happen...

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